PS Joseph Gordon-Levitt is hot.
Monday started off with myself oversleeping, waking up at 6.55am then rushing like mad for school. After that it was 3 tests straight in a row. I'm so gonna flunk math bcos I studied chapters 7 and 9 when we're actually tested on chapters 6 and 9. Total fail moment thank you very much. Right now I'll be off to 1. study for geography test tomorrow 2. sketch up a proposal for teacher's day for choir 3. research and do my english homework shiz on Korea.
1. I'm still so bored doing nothing (I know I should be doing my work, damn bcos I've got 5 tests to sit for tomorrow) so i slapped on a mud mask and webcammed yet again
2. I wanna have dinner at ikea
3. I want the govt to ban all tests/ exams cos stress is causing my skin to be all irritated/ dry (grrr)
4. I wanna catch Beastly!!!
Rehearsal was pretty alright, got to get off school 3 periods early, but right now I'm dead exhausted + am suffering from the Monday blues.. :(
Geog test on floods + full dress rehearsal for 125th anniversary dinner tomorrow. Damn
Maroon 5 is definitely the best band ever/ for life.
Current fav thing to do: draw on my fingers. Right now I'll have to rush through the homework given as my eyelids are about to shut, bcos I slept at like 4am yesterday. It's amazing I wasn't tired and that I survived the entire day school with just barely 3 hours of snooze time.