Sunday, July 3, 2011

Impossible to forget, hard to remember

I'm thinking of deleting this page.. but I'm sure there'll be days I'd like to ramble about my life. Perhaps when I graduate from secondary school, I might.

Meanwhile...I'm browsing through recipes (even though I am pretty bad at baking) for fun. Also because my gramma's birthday is around the corner and so are some of my friends.

Before I forget, just a word to sum up last week (the week-long absence from the internet...which I survived, yay): stress. Had prelim 1 (where the last paper is tomorrow! human geography which I haven't started on) and O Level Chinese oral!!!!!! I totally....totally....totally...totally...freaked out. No, actually I was less nervous than I thought I would be when I entered the examination room, but before that I had a mix of uncontrollable emotions that needed Jenn and Soph to keep me sane.

To conclude, I would absolutely want to thank Jenn and Soph for being there for me till the very end, having to listen to my ramblings and insanity. Everyone who wished me luck, and Jan, if you're reading this, I can't wait for you to come back to Singapore and I'll be there for you when you get back your results!

Good luck to my lovely classmates who will be having their turn at chinese oral on Tuesday. You guys can do it! :-)


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