Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The sky was burning up like fireworks

There is something very wrong with blogger and I am so mad at it. What the fuck can this thing work? I'm like leaving tomorrow and would want to post a decent post, but nooooooooo, this stupid tiny post box wouldn't have the upload photos function and everything else that matters. I mean like, WHAT THE HECK. WORK YOU DAMN THING!

On the bright side of life, my flight's in less than a day's time, and I'll be excusing myself from school at noon. Yay! I'll probably miss you guys alot, especially if I seriously am gonna be quarantined, I'll be missing out on HELL LOT of exams and homework. And my studies! I'll be behind everybody else. A total disadvantage. :-(

Hopefully blogger gets back to it's normal state asap (LIKE TOMORROW BEFORE 12NN!) or I'm gonna go on a killing spree.

PS I've created a lj account so I can post properly till blogger is not so fucked up, then I'll return posting here.

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