"In life there must not be a plan or else there's no surprises in life"
I'm so bored that I'm gonna do this quiz I ranscaked from someone else's blog.
10 Are You's
1. Are you single - Perhaps
2. Are you happy - On msn yes, in school no
3. Are you bored - Yes definitely
4. Are you fair - I doubt
1. Are you single - Perhaps
2. Are you happy - On msn yes, in school no
3. Are you bored - Yes definitely
4. Are you fair - I doubt
5. Are you Italian - Perhaps lol, a quarter maybe? Every stranger I meet would ask either if I'm a foreigner or mix-blooded which I dont think I am unless its a family secret lol
6. Are you intelligent - At situations
6. Are you intelligent - At situations
7. Are you honest - Pretty much yes
8. Are you nice -No I am (resident) evil muahahaha
9. Are you Irish - Refer to question 5
9. Are you Irish - Refer to question 5
10. Are you Asian - Majority of me lol
10 Facts
1. Name : Carissa (NO DOUBLE Rs)
2. Nick: Get me one
3. Birth place: Singapore.. no lol bermuda triangle
10 Facts
1. Name : Carissa (NO DOUBLE Rs)
2. Nick: Get me one
3. Birth place: Singapore.. no lol bermuda triangle
4. Hair colour: Ahhh I'm a red-head lol brown and red.. no black ):
5. Natural Hair style: Slight wave
6. Eye colour: RED
7. Birthday: September 10
8. Mood: Tired and bored
9. Favourite colour: Black
10. One place you want to visit: UK (hahah british people lol)
10 things about my love life
1. Have you ever been in love: No lol
2. Do you believe in love at first sight: Like how I believe veggies are healthy
5. Natural Hair style: Slight wave
6. Eye colour: RED
7. Birthday: September 10
8. Mood: Tired and bored
9. Favourite colour: Black
10. One place you want to visit: UK (hahah british people lol)
10 things about my love life
1. Have you ever been in love: No lol
2. Do you believe in love at first sight: Like how I believe veggies are healthy
3. Do you have a crush currently - Yes.. on eyeballs and disection
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - I guess
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - Everyone's lol
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - Hardly
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Like how I believe veggies are healthy
8. Are you afraid of commitment - Yes (dun dun dun dun).. lol a teensy fear
9. The last person you hugged - This question would be destroyed in three seconds...
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to - The whole wide world!
11 This or That - None
1. Love or Lust - Hate lol obviously NOT the latter
2. Hard liquor or beer - Oorange juice.. with eyeballs
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - I guess
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - Everyone's lol
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - Hardly
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Like how I believe veggies are healthy
8. Are you afraid of commitment - Yes (dun dun dun dun).. lol a teensy fear
9. The last person you hugged - This question would be destroyed in three seconds...
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to - The whole wide world!
11 This or That - None
1. Love or Lust - Hate lol obviously NOT the latter
2. Hard liquor or beer - Oorange juice.. with eyeballs
3. Cat or Dog - CatDog lol!!!
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - The first choice
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Mix 'em up
6. Pencil or Pen - Stick 'em together
7. Wild night out or Romantic Night in - Both
8. Money or Happiness - The latter
9. Night or Day - DAY AND NIGHT
10. IM or phone - Both
10 Have you ever
1. Been caught sneaking out - I forgot
2. Seen a polar bear - Yes.. no I saw a ufo
3. Done something you regret - Everything
4. Bungee jumped - I wont come out alive
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - I guess
6. Finish entire jaw breaker - I doubt
7. Been caught naked - Hands up it's the FBI LOL!
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - Perhaps.. not
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Yeah
10. Wanted to disappear - YES DEFINITELY AND NO MAYBE
10 preferences in a partner
1. Smile or Eyes - Both
2. Light hair or Dark hair - Either
3. Hugs or Kisses - Either
4. Shorter or Taller - Taller -.-
5. Intelligent or Attraction - Either
6. Topman or Zara - Topman's for guys.. unless you mean its topshop. If so topshop, if not zara
7. Funny or Serious - Both
8. Older or Younger - NO YOUNGER ONES
9. Outgoing or Quiet - Outgoing and a dash of quietness
10. Sweet or Bad - Sweet
10 Have you's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes
2. Ever talked on the phone for more than 1 hour - Yes.. 3 in fact was my most
3. Ever walked on hands - I wouldn't be typing this now lol
4. Ever been to a rock concert - No
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - No
6. Ever been in a dance team - Yes
7. Ever been in a sports team - Yes.. 3 years
8. Ever been in a drama play - Yes
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley - Sure lol, in my past life
10. Ever been in a rap video - I'm a rappp...perrrrrrrr lol no
10 last's
1. Last phone call you made - My gramma
2. Last person you hugged - A rapper lol
3. Last person you hung out with - Um I forgot
4. Last person you worked for - Correction studied..the class
5. Last person you talked to - Gramma
6. Last person you IM - Um eugene
7. Last person you texted - Sophia
8. Last person you went movie with - Sophia
9. Last person/things you missed - Everyone
10. Last website visited - Fashion blogs
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - The first choice
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Mix 'em up
6. Pencil or Pen - Stick 'em together
7. Wild night out or Romantic Night in - Both
8. Money or Happiness - The latter
9. Night or Day - DAY AND NIGHT
10. IM or phone - Both
10 Have you ever
1. Been caught sneaking out - I forgot
2. Seen a polar bear - Yes.. no I saw a ufo
3. Done something you regret - Everything
4. Bungee jumped - I wont come out alive
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - I guess
6. Finish entire jaw breaker - I doubt
7. Been caught naked - Hands up it's the FBI LOL!
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - Perhaps.. not
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Yeah
10. Wanted to disappear - YES DEFINITELY AND NO MAYBE
10 preferences in a partner
1. Smile or Eyes - Both
2. Light hair or Dark hair - Either
3. Hugs or Kisses - Either
4. Shorter or Taller - Taller -.-
5. Intelligent or Attraction - Either
6. Topman or Zara - Topman's for guys.. unless you mean its topshop. If so topshop, if not zara
7. Funny or Serious - Both
8. Older or Younger - NO YOUNGER ONES
9. Outgoing or Quiet - Outgoing and a dash of quietness
10. Sweet or Bad - Sweet
10 Have you's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes
2. Ever talked on the phone for more than 1 hour - Yes.. 3 in fact was my most
3. Ever walked on hands - I wouldn't be typing this now lol
4. Ever been to a rock concert - No
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - No
6. Ever been in a dance team - Yes
7. Ever been in a sports team - Yes.. 3 years
8. Ever been in a drama play - Yes
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley - Sure lol, in my past life
10. Ever been in a rap video - I'm a rappp...perrrrrrrr lol no
10 last's
1. Last phone call you made - My gramma
2. Last person you hugged - A rapper lol
3. Last person you hung out with - Um I forgot
4. Last person you worked for - Correction studied..the class
5. Last person you talked to - Gramma
6. Last person you IM - Um eugene
7. Last person you texted - Sophia
8. Last person you went movie with - Sophia
9. Last person/things you missed - Everyone
10. Last website visited - Fashion blogs
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