Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hi, I'm gonna go on a drug overdose

I. Am. So. Dead. Literally. Cos. My. Gramma. Scolded. Me. For. Failing. Math. And. Chinese. When. My. Dad. Comes. Home. He. Will. Kill. Me. Literally. I. Seriously. Did. Study. Like. I. Never. Had. Before. Why. Me. I. Am. So. Fucking. Screwed. I. Hate. Being. The. Chosen. One. In. A. Bad. Way. My. Dad. Is. Gonna. Ban. Me. From. The. Computer. And. Ground. Me. For. The. Rest. Of. My. Life.
My. Life. Sucks.
Sorry. For. The. Really. Difficult. Reading. Lol.
I. Desperately. Want. To. Die. So. So. So. So. So. Much.
Ps: Probably my last time I could use the computer :-(

I don't want it to rain every other day
I don't want to wait for another sunny day

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