Today was okay (read: HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I am dead beat and could doze off anytime, but I have so much homework to do (I left some of my written homework for the last minute which wasn't and never will be a good idea) and yet so so so little time. Seriously, can't they extend the holidays or just close school for a week? I mean like, there's already frigging 599 h1n1 cases in Singapore and schools are still not budging and refusing to close down temporarily.
Here is what I have to do within this week (sigh):
1. Math homework (definitely die)
2. Chinese (ditto as previous comment)
3. Cut my hair.. or not.. or cut (I don't know! I'll always end up getting a haircut)
4. Prepare to be QUARANTINED!!!! (Cuz I will be going to indonesia on 23th till 26th - yey!)
5. A lot more to-dos
My feet is sore. Bai, I shall do homework, pack my bag and sleep early like a good little girl, but for now, I'm gonna catch AYG opening ceremony on telly!
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