Eight more days till v-day. It's suppose to be 9, but who cares. Woohoo, eighteighteighteighteight mooooooooooooooooooooore days. Ok, I'm feeling super insane today, even though I'm totally zonked out after like hours of choir which ended pretty late and now I gotta do my stinkin' homework. But I bet I'll be begging on my knees for work to copy tomorrow. I really can't concentrate on my work these days (correction, ever since I started becoming unusually talkative and all) and finally (yes, FINALLY!) I've found to love balancing atoms/ ions/ whatsoever questions. Thank you Ms Kong. Thank god. And I'm starting to feel jubilant whenever I'm able to complete the questions. But still, screw math, science and lit. History too. It's really boring, but Ms Tho has this new segment thing, that everyday before math period starts officially, we'll share a joke with the class. Great, cos I suck at jokes. I'll be stammering my head off. Please Ms Tho, I'll just bore the class to death, not even lame jokes could work. Choir was tiring today. I need to write a letter to Mr Phua. Piles of homework. A difficult task to complete (on my own, shit). Shoot me in the head. Explode me in a chamber of chloride (shoot, am I right? or is it some other element?). Aughhh, my eyes.
I type too much today. I feel crap now. I've finally decided - I wanna be as tall as Rob. Make my wish come true this year Santa.
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