I'm a secret bear
Do you have a secret?
I promise I won't tell
I was suppose to post something fun.. lol and here it is
Jill Price is amazing I mean seriously if I do remember EVERY SINGLE THING FROM MY LIFE, I would've felt like I'm on a emotional roller coaster ride.
Jill Price (née Rosenberg, born December 1965 in New York City) is able to recite details of all the days of her life since she was fourteen years old. She remembers every sad or happy moment, from the dinners she ate to the current affairs of the day. Parts of Price's brain are three times the size of those in other women her age, brain scans show. Price's condition is called hyperthymestic syndrome, meaning that she has a superior memory and that the enlarged parts of her brain are areas also associated with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The first report on the study of her brain was published in 2006. She has written a book called The Woman Who Can't Forget: The Extraordinary Story of Living with the Most Remarkable Memory Known to Science—A Memoir (ISBN 1416561765), explaining her life with the condition.
Man with 30 second memory.. wow
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