I don't know why or how
but I might've fallen for you.
We're having pizza for dinner. Woohoo! *dances around the room like an idiot* And I'm totally into batwinged tops. One word for both of them - awesome. I just love chinese new year. Cos you won't be able to get scolded and all for whatsoever mess you got yourself into or if you had too much candy. But the best part for most teens is the red packets. Which means for me, more forever21. One coincidental thing that happened this year is that, both anisha and my dad's birthdays fall on chinese new year. Like whoa, and bad point about this is that I was near forgetting that it was their birthday. Booper.
Happy Birthday Dad. (:
Ciao folksy, I'm gonna start texting Mr President of United States. Hehe. And I'm trying to think of a back up plan Z.
I just came back. Ok, uh fine. About like an hour plus ago. My feet is hurting hell lot, stupid wedges. It must be too low. Anyway, ani and I hung out around orchard. Met up at wisma, headed to takashimaya's macs for lunch then we tried our luck at gramaphone cos I desperately wanted my twilight soundtrack and lady gaga. But, it was out of stock. Damnit. So I did my last minute chinese new year shopping. Weird thing was, the place wasn't like jammed with everyone squished like sardines. It's chinese new year eve! Hello, anyone care to be a little more in the festive mood and start going around the whole singapore and party. Massive. I don't want to get into the details, so blah blah blah.. and I got my albums in the end. THANK GOD FOR HMV! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Unfortunately, I just found out the twilight soundtrack ain't that nice. Eek.
The 'later' post. Topshop. I just love it, and I bet I can say 'I love topshop' like a gazillion times over and over again, cos it's totally.. awesome. The rope overlay thing, amazing, but I don't think I can pull off the look. I especially love the uk flag inspired blazer, studded jeans, well practically all of what the right model is wearing. Oh god, I think even after hours, I'm still squealing and gushing over all the latest clothes from topshop.
Movin' on. School wasn't all that bad, nor that great too. Boring I guess. And shoot, I don't think I can sing for cny celebration tomorrow. My mouth hurts. Like uclers and numbness. I think I accidentally bit my tongue and mouth too much. Damnit ouch.
I feel freaking antisocial again. This feeling never fails to overwhelm me. I gotta get to school by 0630hours tomorrow. Choir. No silver nor gold eyeshadow. Throat hurts like shit (and when I mean shit, it hurts like it's hell, torture, and crying your eyes out). Foundationless. Cranky. Depressed. Emotional. Too much thoughts running in my mind. Breaking down. Crashed, and burnt alive. Unorganized. Complication. Birthday pressie for anisha. My mind feels like blowing up into small little fragments and pieces. Blow up right now, won't you. I need to put my mind at ease. Maybe a good night sleep would help, but I know it wouldn't. I'm sorry, to be taking this out on everyone reading this. I truly am.
Oh and. This song is clinging onto my memory. It kept on playing over and over again in my mind in school. I feel so depressed today, as usual. Sorry for the unclarity of the video, cos apparently, the worser its clarity, the faster the song loads. Weird.