It's no lie that (L) Agy and Coco. But now, the latest addition is Lara Stone. I mean, she's awesome - her long wavy blonde hair, and a little gap between her two front teeth (ok, I'm not a fan of that, but some people are). According to Wiki, Kate Moss has a small frame, compared to most every other models towering at 172 plus cm. Well well well, now my aim is so 170cm. So that if I ever meet Kate Moss, I'll be the same height as her!
Unbelievably, I wasn't tired today. I actually wrote like a chunk of stuff, but my dad just had to pull off the internet connection and my post wasn't fully saved. But who cares, I forgot and don't really bother to type cos I haven't done nor handed in the he coursework. I'm so dead. Gosh. Anyway, happy birthday to wudi and I'm sorry to keyang and some other people who I told that the test was about direct and inverse proportion. Cause I thought you guys were good little kids who would study the whole chapter instead. My bad. D: And, I don't think I can memorize the chinese song by tomorrow. I can't even do chinese. I'm double dead meat. I don't wanna come to school on friday, boohoo.
I'm actually secretly in love with you,
Cos everything that you do
Got me spinning and feeling like such a fool.
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