The 'later' post. Topshop. I just love it, and I bet I can say 'I love topshop' like a gazillion times over and over again, cos it's totally.. awesome. The rope overlay thing, amazing, but I don't think I can pull off the look. I especially love the uk flag inspired blazer, studded jeans, well practically all of what the right model is wearing. Oh god, I think even after hours, I'm still squealing and gushing over all the latest clothes from topshop.
Movin' on. School wasn't all that bad, nor that great too. Boring I guess. And shoot, I don't think I can sing for cny celebration tomorrow. My mouth hurts. Like uclers and numbness. I think I accidentally bit my tongue and mouth too much. Damnit ouch.
I feel freaking antisocial again. This feeling never fails to overwhelm me. I gotta get to school by 0630hours tomorrow. Choir. No silver nor gold eyeshadow. Throat hurts like shit (and when I mean shit, it hurts like it's hell, torture, and crying your eyes out). Foundationless. Cranky. Depressed. Emotional. Too much thoughts running in my mind. Breaking down. Crashed, and burnt alive. Unorganized. Complication. Birthday pressie for anisha. My mind feels like blowing up into small little fragments and pieces. Blow up right now, won't you. I need to put my mind at ease. Maybe a good night sleep would help, but I know it wouldn't. I'm sorry, to be taking this out on everyone reading this. I truly am.
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