Today was really seriously extremely tiring. I was pratically feeling drowsy throughout the whole science period. We had this rehersal for chinese new year celebration today after school under the hot scorching sun. The choir crew are supposingly suppose to put on make-up on friday. Like !?#*^&$#*&?#! I am so not gonna have make-up on with the choir tee and school skirt. It's like so weird. As in seriously, it'll look awfully funny. I think I'll call in sick on friday. Ugh, the thoughts of having make-up on irks me. Surprise math test tomorrow, I'm guessing. Dang. And today, Obama made history!
Oh and. This song is clinging onto my memory. It kept on playing over and over again in my mind in school. I feel so depressed today, as usual. Sorry for the unclarity of the video, cos apparently, the worser its clarity, the faster the song loads. Weird.
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